How is the architecture in Ancient Rome similar to Ancient Greece?
Before researching we think the answer is :
Ancient Rome's architecture is similar to Ancient Greece because they used clay to build the structures.
In the book "The Ancient City life in classical Athens and Rome" we found different buildings from both Ancient Rome and Greece. Ancient Rome used granite, marble, limestone,and bricks to build. The marble was used in both Ancient cities, for the Basilica and the Parthenage. The temples from both cities had coumns which were made by stacking marble blocks together.
In the website we found out that Ancient Greece imported white marble to Rome. Some of their columns represented government powers. In Ancient Rome their main building material was limestone, because it was appropriate for building foundations.
In conclusion our answer we predicted was wrong clay wasn't used for building. Ancient rome used limestone, granite, bricks and marble. Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece used marble to build temples and columns. They made the columns by stacking the marble blocks on top of each other.
Pictures of Temples
Ancient Rome:
Ancient Greece
nick j
jess c
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